Visit Your Local Wendy’s Tonight to Support Community YMCA

Visit Your Local Wendy’s Tonight to Support Community YMCA

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Tonight all 12 Greater-Lansing area local Wendy’s franchises will donate 15% of their sales to YMCA of Lansing between 5-8pm. Spread the word with friends, co-workers, and family. The more people that visit a local Wendy’s today between 5-8pm the more money we will receive.

Wendy’s locations that are participating include:

And if you’re watching your caloric intake (I know I am), here are a few recommendations (via Spark People):

The Garden Sensations Salads are great choices, but the dressings that come on them contain 10-25 g of fat each.Balsamic Vinaigrette (90 calories, 6 g fat, 380 mg sodium),Light Classic Ranch (90 calories, 8 g fat, 360 mg sodium) or Fat Free French (70 calories, 0 g fat, 170 mg sodium) are your best choices for salad dressings. Be sure to ask to substitute one of the lighter dressings when you order.

wendys11n-1-webThe following sandwich combos are healthier meal selections:

  • Ultimate Grilled Chicken with lettuce, tomato and honey mustard sauce and a side salad with Light Classic Ranch dressing (450 calories, 15 g fat, 1,340 mg sodium)
  • Grilled Chicken Go Wrap with shredded cheese and honey mustard sauce and a small chili (450 calories, 17 g fat, 1,590 mg sodium)
  • Classic Single Hamburger with everything (hold the cheese and mayo) and mandarin oranges (470 calories, 16 g fat, 830 mg sodium)

Instead of fries, ask for a side salad (35 calories, 0 grams fat, 25 mg sodium) with one of the dressings listed above, a small chili(190 calories, 6 g fat, 830 mg sodium), the plain baked potato(320 calories, 0 g fat, 25 mg sodium), or a mandarin orange cup(80 calories, 0 g fat, 15 mg sodium) instead.


Hiring: Event Planning Intern – Lansing, Mi – Spring/Summer 2016


Overview: Gain real-world event planning and management experience from the fastest growing networking event in Mid-Michigan. The Drinking Lunch is a monthly networking event for business owners and professionals looking for a fresh, low-pressure networking event in Lansing, Mi. Visit for more.

Duties: Assist with planning, coordination, execution and evaluation of the monthly event. Includes email and social media promotion, coordinating with event sponsors, budgeting sponsorship dollars, event set up and running host/check in station, post evaluation of attendees and updates. Ultimate creation of event checklist and final event process documentation.
Attend various event staff meetings.

Requirements: MUST be 21+. Must be available every Third Thursday from 1-5pm. Must have reliable transportation. Event planning experience required. Writing and social media experience preferred. Must have laptop.

Schedule: Must be available every Third Thursday from 1-5pm for on-site event. Additional 10-15 hours per month in office or remote work hours.

Compensation: Credit only, potential stipend based on performance.

Email Cover Letter and Resume to meetup @ to apply.
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Happy Hour and Periscope today at Zoobies!

Happy Hour and Periscope today at Zoobies!


I know it’s probably a little early to be thinking about happy hour right now, but…it’s been a long week and, well, it’s Friday.

So, this afternoon, starting at 3PM, I’ll be hanging out at Zoobies, kicking off a happy hour.

I get it, 3PM is kind of early, so if you can’t join until 4 or 4:30, that’s no biggie.

And, if you can’t join at all, then tune in on Periscope (@StartupLansing, @MakiLane, or @jflores1c) and join the fun that way.

This afternoon, Courtney Maki of Glow Social Media and I will be discussing the Startup Community Report Card for Lansing.

As you may recall, last year, I gave Lansing a C-.

This year, with your help, we’re going to dust off the report card, discuss how things have changed over the past year, and talk about some strategies for moving the needle forward in the coming year.

We hope you’ll join us!

See you this afternoon,


The Drinking Lunch! This Thursday, October 15th at The Beer Grotto in Lansing from 2-4pm.

The Drinking Lunch! This Thursday, October 15th at The Beer Grotto in Lansing from 2-4pm.

Just a reminder to please RSVP here for the Thursday, October 15th Drinking Lunch at The Beer Grotto in Lansing from 2-4pm. We look forward to seeing you there! For the full photo gallery click HERE!

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Donate today: Making Strides of Greater Cincinnati on Saturday, October 24, 2015

Donate today: Making Strides of Greater Cincinnati on Saturday, October 24, 2015


My cousin Kayla, who lost her mother (my Aunt) to breast cancer at only 9 months old, has always been an advocate for the American Cancer Society. This year she is again raising money through her church, Quinn Chapel AME. I implore all of you who are inclined to support this foundation, to contribute to her fund. She is looking to raise $500 dollars this month. Please donate here.


The Drinking Lunch – Lansing, Mi – Drink, Network and Be Merry – September 17th

The Drinking Lunch – Lansing, Mi – Drink, Network and Be Merry – September 17th


There was a time when it was expected that you’d have a few at your business lunch – and then it vanished. With no more Mad Men episodes to tide me over, I partnered with a few colleagues to bring a little taste of those days to the 21st century. And I must say, we’re PROUD to be bringing back the afternoon libation – without the judgment. This will be a fun, casual networking event, with drink specials and menu offerings. So, bring your business cards, and raise a toast to The Drinking Lunch. If you know someone who should have had a corner office at Sterling Cooper, pass this post along so they can join the club. Visit to get your exclusive invitation to our inaugural event, September 17th. The Drinking Lunch will be every third Thursday at The Beer Grotto, Lansing, from 2-4pm. Cheers!

Click below for the pdf invitation:


Think and Grow Rich – I read it and applied it, and it WORKS!

Think and Grow Rich – I read it and applied it, and it WORKS!

Some people think it’s mumbo jumbo, but transmutation, The Secret, “Fake it ’til you make it” – all worked for me!

tagrI was watching a periscope this morning by Luke Hessler, a MSU student and entreprenuer whom I had the pleasure of meeting last Fall at the LCC AMA Business Ettiquette dinner and he was passionately and ferverently reading from – and re-reading sections as he highlighted – Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.

Think and Grow Rich is a 1937 personal development and self-help book by Napoleon Hill. The book was inspired by a suggestion from Scottish-American business magnate and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. (via Wikipedia)

Think and Grow Rich is considered by many to be the most inspirational and authentic self-help book of its kind. This book was the culmination of a project that took Hill over 20 years to complete and was based on interviews with many of the most successful business men and women of his time. Among those he interviewed were: HENRY FORD, WILLIAM WRIGLEY JR., GEORGE EASTMAN, THEODORE ROOSEVELT, JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, THOMAS A. EDISON, FRANK A. VANDERLIP. F. W. WOOLWORTH, WOODROW WILSON, WM. HOWARD TAFT, LUTHER BURBANK, & DR. ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL. The book continues to inspire, and it remains an all-time bestseller due to both the universality and the timelessness of its message. Many new and ‘modern’ versions of this book are abridged and lack the beauty of the original writing. This beautifully crafted hardcover edition faithfully reprints the complete, unaltered text of the original 1937 classic. (via Google Books)

I highly reccomend reading this book, especially if you are a new entreprenuer! In the meantime here are 6 tenants of the book to get you started (via Business Insider):

1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say “I want plenty of money.” Be definite as to the amount. (There is a psychological reason for definite- ness which will be described in a subsequent chapter).

2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as “something for nothing.”)

3. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.

4. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.

5. Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.

6. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. AS YOU READ, SEE AND FEEL AND BELIEVE YOURSELF ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY.

I definitely believe in the power of positive affirmations and this book really breaks down how to get yourself rolling in the dough in no time!

In the meantime, find me on Periscope @MakiLane!

I’m Mayor Again! But does anyone care anymore? FourSquare brings back Mayorships in an attempt to keep users

I’m Mayor Again! But does anyone care anymore? FourSquare brings back Mayorships in an attempt to keep users


I’ve been on Foursquare since it’s debut – I even stuck around when they split themselves into Swarm and a “new” Foursquare app. All that accomplished was forcing me to open different apps to check in and actually find places. But, I stuck around. On an early morning check-in at my gym, I was immediately notified of taking the Mayorship from someone else! You can imagine my excitement. I ran to the net to find out what this all meant. I also was shown a popup calling this mayorship a “new feature” – to whom, I’m not sure.


To my disappointment, Foursquare only had the following blurb on their blog:

Claim that crown: Mayorships are back

When we first launched Swarm, you fiercely battled your friends for a chance at a Mayor crown. But it just wasn’t as much fun. That’s why today we’re upping the ante and letting you compete for mayorships against everyone.The rules are simple: you’ll be the Mayor of a place if you’ve checked in more than anyone else in the last 30 days. Only 1 check-in per day counts and ties go to the reigning mayor. We’ve been tallying all of your check-ins from the past month, so go see if you’ve already proven yourself worthy of the Mayor crown at your local spots.


Still, I pursued the web for more. I found a similar post on Gizmodo, no additional information…or excitement for that matter. The rest of the tech blogs all had the same sentiment – no one cares.

So, I’m still holding out for a revival, and am happy to now have a reason to keep checking in. I’m sure I’ll be mayor of every location in Lansing by August. Any thoughts? Did you let the app go long ago? Or are you still holding out like me?

Why Weight Training is better than Cardio

Why Weight Training is better than Cardio

IMG_5732I love this short list! It’s really a Top 3, with an added booty bonus! I weight train 3 days a week and I’ll say it definitely does more for my metabolism than just cardio ever did. Ultimately, a mix of weight training, cardio and diet are the trifecta to an awesome body, but weight training is a good place to start. Most of all it’s fun to get stronger and see the results emotionally and physically!

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The 3 Things Chris Sacca Would Look for When Hiring an Intern

The 3 Things Chris Sacca Would Look for When Hiring an Intern

Humility, vulnerability, self-awareness and giving back are the major tenants of this post on Tim Ferriss interview of Chris Sacca. I don’t think that the three examples to reach those qualities are necessary, except the fitness piece. That’s a great one! But I think he could have been a little more PC with number 3: Being around poor people. Check the post out for yourself below and be sure to share your thoughts.